FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Yes on 2Q Campaign Launch: Community Leaders Come Together to Protect Denver Health


Yes on 2Q Campaign Launch: Community Leaders Come Together to Protect Denver Health 

Denver (Sept. 10, 2024) – The Yes on 2Q Campaign officially launched as Denver leaders gathered to emphasize the crucial need to strengthen Denver Health by calling for the community’s support of a sales tax measure this November 5th. The event featured speeches from key figures, including Mayor Mike Johnston, the Honorable Wellington Webb, Councilwoman Jamie Torres, Councilwoman Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, President and CEO of the Rose Community Foundation Lindy Eichenbaum Lent, CEO of Denver Health Donna Lynne, and Pediatrician Steve Federico, MD, all of whom underscored the significance of supporting the upcoming ballot measure.

CEO of Denver Health Donna Lynne kicked off the news conference, highlighting the areas of care funded by the tax measure, which include primary care, emergency and trauma services, pediatric care, mental health care, and alcohol use recovery.

“Why 2Q? Because this is the kind of care that is at risk if the measure doesn’t pass,” said Lynne. “Yes on 2Q highlights a critical issue facing the future of Denver.”

Denver Mayor Michael Johnston echoed the sentiment, saying, “A healthy Denver needs Denver Health.”

“Denver Health is not just a health care system; it is a partner. It is a pillar in this community, and the medical teams there provide essential care for all Denver residents, especially those who are underserved and in need,” said Councilwoman Torres. “This is an investment in everybody’s health. Denver Health is a member of our family, so let’s make sure they’re here for the long term. We will not have a thriving future with thriving families, neighborhoods, and communities without Denver Health. We must do everything we can to keep the health care system healthy as well,” said Councilwoman Jamie Torres.

Councilwoman Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez added, “Health care is a human right. We hear these words all the time; this puts those words into action. We have the opportunity this November with the Yes on 2Q ballot measure to ensure that people in our community can get the care they need.” Other council members, including President Amanda Sandoval, also attended today’s event.

“Our community needs a sustainable solution to ensure Denver Health can continue serving all of us when we need it most. 2Q is our collective opportunity to invest in the long-term health of our families and our city,” said Lindy Eichenbaum Lent, President and CEO of the Rose Community Foundation. “Denver Health is woven into the fabric of our region. Ensuring it has the financial resources to continue delivering high-quality care to all is an opportunity we should all be excited about this November.”

Yes on 2Q aims to raise awareness and funding for Denver Health by advocating for ballot measure 2Q, which proposes a sales tax increase of just over 3 cents for every $10 purchase (excluding food, medicine, diapers, and feminine hygiene products). This initiative seeks to provide sustainable support for vital health services and address the growing demand for quality health care, while ensuring continued access for uninsured and underserved populations across the city.

“Denver Health staff works to ensure we are there for our patients all day and all night,” said Steve Federico, MD, a Denver Health pediatrician for more than 20 years. “From Montbello to Westwood, Denver Health is the backbone of health in Denver. Vote yes on 2Q because health care should be a right, not a fight.”

Former Mayor Wellington Webb concluded the event with a message to voters, saying, “The best of us have to save the rest of us.” Webb personally called out the names of physicians and care team members who have provided care for his family over the years.

In addition to those speaking at the event, Yes on 2Q announced support from more than 150 elected, business, and community leaders. This comprehensive list includes community organizations such as the Greater Denver Ministerial Alliance, Re:Vision, Gary Community Ventures, the Denver Foundation, Gold Crown Foundation, MB Glassman Foundation, the Colorado Trust, the Women’s Foundation, Caring for Colorado, and Servicios de la Raza.

"Denver Health has served as a beacon of hope for generations of families in our city, regardless of who you are, what you look like, or what zip code you live in," said Bishop Jerry Demmer, President of the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance. "We wholeheartedly support the Yes on 2Q campaign, as it ensures that Denver Health can continue providing this critical care and support for all."

Business organizations endorsing 2Q include the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Denver Partnership, Colorado Concern, Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce, and the Asian Chamber of Commerce.

Elected officials including Sen. Michael Bennet, Sen. John Hickenlooper, Rep. Diana DeGette, numerous members of the Colorado State General Assembly, all living former Denver Mayors, and over a dozen current and former members of the Denver City Council have also announced their support.

Among the business and civic leaders supporting Yes on 2Q are Bruce Alexander, Elaine Berman, Bruce Benson, Dawn Bookhardt, Denise O’Leary, Patty Gabow, Jean & Dr. Ben Galloway, Nancy Gary, Khadija Haynes, Jim Kelley, Molly Broeren & Bill Mosher, Theresa Peña, Dean Singleton, Kent Thiry, Ken Tuchmman, and many others.

An endorsement list this comprehensive, from all parts of Denver, shows the incredible impact Denver Health has had on the city and the deep desire to provide the necessary funding so that Denver Health can continue its mission to provide high-quality health care to everyone in Denver.

As the campaign progresses, community members are encouraged to participate by volunteering or donating at The campaign encourages supporters to stay engaged and informed as the November election approaches and to VOTE YES ON 2Q.

For more information or media inquiries, please contact: Dom at or call 720-883-5347.


Support Grows: Denver’s Business and Nonprofit Leaders Rally for Ballot Measure to Strengthen Denver Health