Support Grows: Denver’s Business and Nonprofit Leaders Rally for Ballot Measure to Strengthen Denver Health

DENVER (Aug. 29, 2024) – Denver’s leading business groups and nonprofits are uniting in support of the November ballot measure aimed at ensuring that Denver Health is able to continue to provide health care to every Denver resident, regardless of their ability to pay. Many people face the need for care and turn to Denver Health, the city’s safety net health care system. Denver Health provides everyone with access to high-quality services at any time, anywhere across the city. This ballot measure will ensure that when vital health care services are needed most, Denver Health is there—whether individuals arrive in need of life-saving care or because it is the only place they can turn to provide for their health care needs.

This measure is crucial for ensuring that the people of Denver can thrive. It will continue to support nearly 280,000 individuals through 1.3 million visits for trauma and emergency care, primary care, pediatrics, behavioral health, and other services. With Denver Health delivering one in every three babies born in the city and serving more than 16,000 children through its school-based health centers, this ballot measure is critical to the strength of the community.

Prominent business groups and nonprofits in the Denver Metro area—including the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Denver Partnership, Colorado Concern, the Asian Chamber of Commerce, and the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce—are endorsing this sales tax ballot measure, recognizing the direct benefits that communities will gain from the funding it will provide.

“Denver Health plays a foundational role in our city, and our entire community – residents and businesses alike – benefits from the important services they provide,” said Kourtny Garrett, President & CEO of the Downtown Denver Partnership.  “Denver Health is everywhere - in our schools, responding to 911 calls, and providing outstanding, quality care for Denverites. This measure represents an important investment in a truly vital need for our city that we should all be proud to support.”

“As a longtime health funder, Rose Community Foundation understands the critical role that Denver Health plays in our region, impacting the lives of patients when they need it most, but also strengthening the overall health of our community by addressing housing, food insecurity, mental health and more. Our support recognizes the Denver Health’s commitment to making high-quality health care accessible for all - now and into the future.” said Lindy Eichenbaum-Lent, CEO, Rose Community Foundation.

The Rose Community Foundation is joined by other non-profit leaders across every sector of Denver in supporting the ballot measure.  Other key non-profit supporters include the Mile High United Way, Gary Community Ventures, The Denver Foundation, and the Colorado Trust. 

“Denver’s business leaders and non profits know the critical role Denver Health plays in making Denver such an amazing place to live and work, and we are thrilled to have their support as we seek long term, stable funding that we need to continue providing quality health care to those who need it most,” said Denver Health CEO Donna Lynne. 

The ballot initiative advancing the tax measure, has previously been endorsed by all of Denver’s living Mayors including current Mayor Mike Johnston, and was put on the ballot with support from 12 of the 13 City Council members.


Colorado Coalition for the Homeless 

Gary Community Ventures 

Inner City Health 

Rose Community Foundation 

Colorado Council of Black Nurses 

The Colorado Trust 

The Denver Foundation



Family Voices

Servicios de la Raza

Colorado Children’s Campaign


For more information about the ballot measure, please visit 


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Yes on 2Q Campaign Launch: Community Leaders Come Together to Protect Denver Health


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Healing Denver Announces Five  Former Mayors and Current Mayor of Denver all Endorse the Denver Health Ballot Measure